Doncaster (Arndale Centre)
- Code: P/1038
- Dates: 15/10/1974-present
- Epithet: Sainsbury's Branch
- Address: Sainsbury's, 15 St Sepulchre Gate, South Mall, Frenchgate Centrel, Doncaster DN1 1TT

Contact sheet of photographs. Images show fresh meat aisle, checkout area and beers, wines and spirits aisle.

Includes prices for New Zealand Lamb, 'Brooke Bond PG Tips', 'Sainsbury's Large White Sandwich Loaf', 'Velvet Margarine', Heinz Soups', 'Sainsbury's...
Press release relating to the opening of Sainsbury's new store at Doncaster.

Image also shows the shopfronts of Bradleys and The Golden Egg café

The photo shows Peter Snow, a Sainsbury's director greeting customers.

Photograph by Marsden Photographers, 70 Balby Road, Doncaster

Contact sheet of photographs. Images show Ron Lake, Store Manager, and checkout area
Correspondence and other papers relating to Sainsbury's local public relations in Yorkshire. Examples of items include: correspondence and other...

A sign can be seen stating "we regret we must ask customers to limit their purchase of ALL sugar to 2lb".

Includes recommendations from five customers along with their photographs. Also includes prices for ' McDougall's' Flour', 'Sainsbury's Mixed Fruit',...
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