Cash book for farms at Inverquhomery and Kinermony, 1949-59
1949-1959Indexed. Account of cash payments and receipts. Items include: livestock; crops; seed; waste products; labour; fuel; insurance; rents. The book is in a double entry bookkeeping format (debits balance...
Inverquhomery estate valuation
May 1973Valuation of the Inverquhomery estate excluding items subject to depreciation produced by Bell-Ingram, chartered surveyors.
Subscriptions 1970-1971 (Period 13)
1970-1971Includes a list of organisations that Sainsbury's belonged to and those directly relating to its Scottish farms at Inverquhomery and Kinermony.
Inverquhomery Estate, Longside, Peterhead: Correspondence, maps and other papers
1982-1983Correspondence file relating to the management of the Inverquhomery estate [in Aberdeenshire]. Includes material related to estate income, buildings of special architectural or historic interest,...
'JS Journal', Vol. 4 No. 1
Feb 1951Keywords: Inverquhomery estate: cattle, oats, barley and turnips (with photographs) pp.2-6 A day in the life of the Legal Department pp.7-9 Packaging (with photographs) pp.12-17 The Stamford Players...

Estate map [probably Inverquhomery Estate]
1800-1900Manuscript map showing an area of farmland [in Scotland, most probably that of the Inverquhomery Estate, Longside, Peterhead] marked up with field boundaries (infields and outfields annotated with...
"Inside Sainsbury's: An introduction to the company and its business" booklet, 1978
Apr 1978Guide to Sainsbury's operations, intended to be read by all new staff joining the company (see SA/CO/8/5/4). Apparently a revised and updated version of SA/CO/8/5/1. Includes: company philosophy;...

Branch files from Estate Department
[1959-1980s]Correspondence files relating to sale and valuation of premises and other issues.
Inverquhomery estate map
1798'Plan of the lands of Inverquhomery Lying in the Parish of Longside and county of aberdeen the property of James Ferguson Esq. of Pitfour M.P. invested by Robert Johnston 1798. Renewed by H Allan...
Proofs of newspaper advertisements
1974-1975Contains final proofs and newspaper cuttings of advertisements for press release. Themes include: 'SuperSainsbury's' larger stores the opening of new stores, longer shopping hours, store...
"Sainsbury's Farm Manager" recruitment advertisement proof
7 Nov 1974First proof of job advertisement for the Home Farm at Inverquhomery in Aberdeenshire. Advert was to be placed in the Aberdeen Press & Journal, 14 Nov 1974 and the Scottish Farmer, 16 Nov 1974.

'JS Journal', Christmas 1976
1976Observations of Christmas sales pg 2; New liveries for JS lorries (includes pictures) pg 2; Opening of a new branch at Cwmbran (includes pictures) pg 3; Opening of a new branch at Broadfield,...

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