Image of staff member using new cash collection system at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate branch
[c. Sep 1978]Image included in 'JS Journal' September 1978, p.5, which explains the system's use of a pneumatic plastic tube.

Press advertisements, proofs and newspaper cuttings relating to the opening of new self service branches
1958-1959Press cuttings and press advertisements relating to the closure of the first Sainsbury's branch at Drury Lane and its replacement with a self service store at 24/25 Drury Lane. Press advertisements...
"Help yourself to the best food at Sainsbury's" (Southgate) leaflet
[1959]Leaflet promoting the new self-service store at 80/82 Chase Side. It also promotes JS Special Cure (Tendersweet) bacon.

"There's interesting and local work at Sainsbury's" newspaper advertisement
[1960s-1971]Recruitment advertisement for women cashiers at the self-service store in Southgate (80/82 Chase Side), London.
"Sainsbury's new self-service store" (Southgate) newspaper advertisement proof
12 Sep 1959Newspaper advertisement promoting the opening of the new self-service store at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate. Illustration of a shopping basket. Published in The Barnet Press, Palmers Green & Southgate...

London: Southgate branch file
Image of staff member with motor of new cash collection system in office of 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate branch
[c. Sep 1978]Shows deputy manager Stan Cooper. Image included in 'JS Journal' September 1978, p.5, which explains the system's use of a pneumatic plastic tube.

"Help yourself to the best food at Sainsbury's new self-service store opens at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate…" flyer
[1959]Printed leaflet promoting a new store, and advertising Sainsbury's Special Cure bacon on the back page.

"Opening soon! Sainsbury's new self-service store at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate" newspaper advertisement proof
31 Aug 1959Proof to be published in the Barnet Press (week ending 5 September 1959), Palmers Green & Southgate Gazette, and the Wood Green, Southgate & Palmers Green Weekly Herald.

Image of staff using new cash collection system in office of 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate branch
[c. Sep 1978]Image included in 'JS Journal' September 1978, p.5, which explains the system's use of a pneumatic plastic tube.

"Opening soon! Sainsbury's new self-service store" (Southgate) newspaper advertisement proof
Sep 1959Newspaper advertisement promoting the opening of the new self-service store at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate. Illustration of a shopping basket full of goods. Published in The Barnet Press, Palmers...

"Now Open! Sainsbury's new self-service store at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate" newspaper advertisement proof
19 Sep 1959Proof to be published in the Barnet Press (19 September 1959), Palmers Green & Southgate Gazette, and the Wood Green, Southgate & Palmers Green Herald.

Image of staff using new cash collection system at checkout in 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate branch
[c. Sep 1978]Includes chief cashier Dolly West. Image included in 'JS Journal' September 1978, p.5, which explains the system's use of a pneumatic plastic tube.

Image of staff member using new cash collection system in office of 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate branch
[c. Sep 1978]Image included in 'JS Journal' September 1978, p.5, which explains the system's use of a pneumatic plastic tube.

"Sainsbury's new self-service store. Opening next Tuesday at 80/82 Chase Side, Southgate" newspaper advertisement proof
12 Sep 1959Proof to be published on 12 September 1959 in the Barnet Press, Palmers Green & Southgate Gazette, and the Wood Green, Southgate & Palmers Green Herald.

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