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Photograph of exterior of Barkingside Freezer Centre, 1970s



SA/SUB/FRE/6/5 - Photograph of exterior of a Sainsbury's Freezer Centre, 1970s
Photograph of exterior of Barkingside Freezer Centre, 1970s

"Sainsbury's Freezer Centre opens in Barkingside" press notice, 16 Oct 1975

16 Oct 1975

Press release and branch merchandising bulletin about new store.


"Sainsbury's Freezer Centre opens in Barkingside" press notice, 16 Oct 1975

Image of abandoned trolleys


Sainsbury's Barkingside Freezer Centre can be seen in the background.


Image of abandoned trolleys

'JS Journal', November 1975

Nov 1975

First page: "Never so many" about the opening of five stores before christmas; "New member makes his maiden speech" about Chairman John Sainsbury; "Upstairs, downstairs" about the Barkingside store on...


SA/SC/JSJ/29/11 - JS Journal
'JS Journal', November 1975