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7 results

"Compare Our Prices!" Empire Butter advertisement

c. 1930s

'Compare Our Prices!' Empire Butter advert, c. 1930s. Includes prices for 'Fine Quality Slightly Salted' and 'Special Quality Fresh or Slightly Salted'. Branches mentioned: Lee Green (145, Lee...


SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/107 - 'Compare Our Prices!' Empire Butter advert, c. 1930s
"Compare Our Prices!" Empire Butter advertisement

"For the Finest Quality and the Best Value go to J. Sainsbury's" advertisement

c. 1920s-1930s

'For the Finest Quality and the Best Value go to J. Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1920s-1930s. Includes the slogan 'The Best is Sainsbury's - and Sainsbury's Save You Money'. Also includes prices for...


SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/84 - 'For the Finest Quality and the Best Value go to J. Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1920s-1930s
"For the Finest Quality and the Best Value go to J. Sainsbury's" advertisement

"Free Gift. A Beautiful Silver-Plated Jam Spoon will be Given Away…" (145 Lee Road, Lee Green branch) flyer

Sep [1927]

A note states "Lee Green 2,000" - this presumably refers to the number of copies printed. 'Crelos' in the advertisement refers to Sainsbury's own-brand margarine.


"Free Gift. A Beautiful Silver-Plated Jam Spoon will be Given Away…" (145 Lee Road, Lee Green branch) flyer

"Save Money By Shopping at Sainsbury's" advertisement

c. 1935

'Save Money By Shopping At Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1935. Includes prices for 'Corned Beef', 'Rabbits', 'New Season's Lamb', 'Good Quality White Cheese', 'English Grown Granulated Sugar'. Also includes...


SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/187 - 'Save Money By Shopping At Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1935
"Save Money By Shopping at Sainsbury's" advertisement

"Save Money by Shopping at Sainsbury's" advertisement

c. 1936

'Save Money by Shopping at Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1936. Includes prices for 'Prime Back Bacon', 'Fine Quality Empire Butter', 'New Season's New Zealand Lamb', 'Fine Quality Cheese', 'English New Laid...


SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/227 - 'Save Money by Shopping at Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1936
"Save Money by Shopping at Sainsbury's" advertisement

Image of 145 Lee Road, Lee Green branch exterior with staff


Photograph showing the exterior of the branch at Lee Green. "Buy Crelos" lamps can be seen - these promote Crelos Margarine which was Sainsbury's own brand of margarine. An article featuring this...


Image of 145 Lee Road, Lee Green branch exterior with staff

"You must shop at Sainsbury's 145, Lee Road" provisions, groceries and meat advertisement


'You must shop at Sainsbury's 145, Lee Road' provisions, groceries and meat advert, c.1920s-1930s. Includes prices for 'Empire Butter', 'Big Eggs', 'Prime Back Bacon'. Branches mentioned: 145, Lee...


SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/79 - 'You must shop at Sainsbury's 145, Lee Road' provisions, groceries and meat advert, c.1920s-1930s
"You must shop at Sainsbury's 145, Lee Road" provisions, groceries and meat advertisement