Dealer's licences for sale of milk in Savacentre stores
1986-1991Includes dealer's licences issued by local authorities for Sainsbury's to retail dairy products in Savacentre stores. Dealer's licence issued by The Borough Council of Sandwell authorising the use...
Sainsbury's Savacentre News' issue 11
Feb 1990Newsletter for Sainsbury's Savacentre employees containing news and features about Savacentre, its stores and staff. Published for Savacentre by Elliott Public Relations. Pages 3 and 10 are blank. It...

'Briefing: A Savacentre News report'
May 1990SA/SUB/SBHS/GEN/1/1/5

Sainsbury's Savacentre News' issue 8
Aug 1989Newsletter for Sainsbury's Savacentre employees containing news and features about Savacentre, its stores and staff. Published for Savacentre by Elliott Public Relations.

Corporate Affairs: Weekly Press and Campaign Updates (CSR), 2013
29 Jul 2013-30 Dec 2013Weekly updates from Corporate Affairs Teams includes press and news coverage of activities of Sainsburys, Competitors and General related News, planner of campaign/events in upcoming week, summary of...
Slide photograph of London Colney Savacentre hypermarket (exterior)
[c. 1990]SA/SUB/SBHS/A-Z/L/IMA/1/1

Slide photograph of London Colney Savacentre hypermarket (bakery counter)
[c. 1990]Includes promotional poster on display for "Traditional French Bread & Patisserie: Made in France, Finished by Savacentre".

Images of the exteriors of Savacentres
1970s-1990sContains colour photographs, slides, transparencies and negatives of the exteriors of Savacentres including those at Basildon, Calcot and Edinburgh; Hempstead, London Colney and Merton; Oldbury,...
St Albans: London Colney branch file
London Colney Savacentre store opening brochure, 1990

Images of London Colney (St Albans) and Merton Savacentre stores
1990-2001Contains colour photographs, slides, transparencies and negatives of the Savacentre at London Colney. Also contains colour slides of the Savacentre at Merton.
Savacentre press cuttings, Jul 1989-Feb 1990
19 Jul 1989-21 Feb 1990Contains press cuttings about Green Shopping Day, 28 September 1989 and a two week 'prize spectacular' between October and November when Savacentres up and down the country held special events,...
Savacentre press cuttings, Dec 1989-Jul 1990
Dec 1989-4 Jul 1990Includes press cuttings about opening of a Savacentre at Barnet Road, London Colney. The label on the front cover of the binder reads 'Press Cuttings Guard Book 3'.
Sainsbury's Savacentre News' issue 9
Oct 1989Newsletter for Sainsbury's Savacentre employees containing news and features about Savacentre, its stores and staff. Published for Savacentre by Elliott Public Relations.

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