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Photograph of butchers cutting pig carcass in factory, 1950s-1960s



SA/BL/IMA/7/1 - Photograph of butchers cutting pig carcass in factory, 1950s-1960s
Photograph of butchers cutting pig carcass in factory, 1950s-1960s

Photograph of butchers examining meat in factory

c. 1950


SA/BL/IMA/7/2 - Photograph of butchers examining meat in factory
Photograph of butchers examining meat in factory

Photograph of boning meat at Blackfriars factory

c. 1936


SA/BL/IMA/7/3 - Photograph of boning meat at Blackfriars factory
Photograph of boning meat at Blackfriars factory

Photograph of butcher cutting meat in factory



SA/BL/IMA/7/4 - Photograph of butcher cutting meat in factory
Photograph of butcher cutting meat in factory

Photograph of butchers cutting meat in factory



SA/BL/IMA/7/5 - Photograph of butchers cutting meat in factory
Photograph of butchers cutting meat in factory

Photograph of pig carcass on conveyor line being examined



SA/BL/IMA/7/6 - Photograph of pig carcass on conveyor line being examined
Photograph of pig carcass on conveyor line being examined