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Branch addresses file


Includes information on retail operations regional structure (1995); list of branches with number, address, opening date, extension date, self service date and closing date (1980s); store opening and...


Branch addresses file

Branch lists with addresses, opening, extension and closure dates


Lists containing details of branches. Gives branch number, name, address, date opened, date of any extension, date of conversion to self-service and date of closure if applicable. The lists were...


Branch lists with addresses, opening, extension and closure dates

Copy of table detailing closure dates of Sainsbury's stores


Photocopy of pages from a Sainsbury's account book covering 1943 to 1946 which lists Sainsbury's branches, with annotations detailing the closure dates for each branch. The original document dated was...


Copy of table detailing closure dates of Sainsbury's stores

"Branches opened in 1975" list


List of Sainsbury's branches opened in 1975 (includes full date for the opening of each store).


"Branches opened in 1975" list

Store addresses, telephone numbers and opening dates list, 1993

18 Mar 1993

List of branches, addresses, telephone numbers and the date of opening. Annotated in pencil. Branches are listed in order of town or city.


Store addresses, telephone numbers and opening dates list, 1993

Branch address lists


Lists of branch/store postal addresses. The branches are listed alphabetically. Some of the lists also include the branch number.


Branch address lists

Store advertising address list


List of stores with store number and the advertising address. The advertising address is a short address which was used in publicity material for the store to help customers identify the location.


Store advertising address list

Branches opened (1945-1965) database printouts


Printouts of database reports listing the branches opened during a five year period. Includes branch number, branch name, address, opening date, footage, date of conversion to self-service, date of...


Branches opened (1945-1965) database printouts