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Video for staff from Sainsbury's stores participating in a training course on customer service. Sainsbury's staff from Banbury, Canley, London Colney and Uxbridge stores appear in the video.

1. Introduction by Justin King (Chief Executive) - explains how staff can make a difference by providing good customer service.
2. Why service is important - "vox pop" interviews with customers about customer service; Adam Fowle (Retail Director) explains importance of customer service.
3. First impressions - store staff explaining how they make the store attractive and easy to use for customers - especially around the entrance area.
4. The shopping experience - Adam Fowle explains that it's not possible to serve quality products if the quality of the service doesn't match with those products.
5. What customers want - "vox pop" interviews with customers about their requirements; produce replenishment, being careful not to block customers movement around the store; how to help customers around the store, showing them where products are; if a product is missing checking whether item is available in warehouse.
6. Additional services - offering services eg wrapping; customer service desk.
7. Concluding remarks by staff about good customer service.

Includes footage of: staff helping customers; store interior; store exterior (appears to be Banbury); aisles; checkouts; trolleys; produce (fresh fruit and vegetables) department; warehouse; customer service desk; and customers smiling. The footage was presumably filmed at Banbury, Canley, London Colney and Uxbridge stores (which are thanked at the end).

Duration: 10 minutes, 30 seconds. Appears to have been produced by Cantos Communications. Includes music "Smile" by The Supernaturals.