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Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket



SA/BRA/5/6/3/1/1 - Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket
Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket

Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket


Also features the store's checkouts in foreground.


SA/BRA/5/6/3/1/2 - Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket
Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket

Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket



SA/BRA/5/6/3/1/3 - Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket
Photograph of Coffee Shop in a Sainsbury's supermarket

Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket



SA/BRA/5/6/3/1/4 - Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket
Photograph of J's Restaurant in a Sainsbury's supermarket

Photograph of staff[?] restaurant


Appears to show a staff restaurant, so has been catalogued in the wrong file.


SA/BRA/5/6/3/1/5 - Photograph of customer restaurant
Photograph of staff[?] restaurant