Decimal & Metric conversion
Images relating to decimalisation
Includes black and white photographs of customers in the Croydon decimalisation demonstration branch and chairman John Davan Sainsbury in the store with Zena Skinner (television personality) making a short film about decimal shopping. Also contains images of products on shelves with new pricing...
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- Ref. No: SA/BRA/5/9/8
- Date: [c. 1969-1971]
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 65 items
- Access: Open
Images of filming of 'Quick Change' film about decimalisation
Images of decimal currency training shop by Brian Shuel
[c. 10 Feb 1970]SA/BRA/5/9/8/2
Images of decimal currency training shop by Keystone Press Agency
[10 Feb 1970]SA/BRA/5/9/8/3
Images of visit to decimal currency training shop by Sanderstead Wines Club
[Feb 1970]SA/BRA/5/9/8/4
Images of group visiting decimal currency training shop
[c. Mar 1970]SA/BRA/5/9/8/5
Images of decimal day at Drury Lane branch
[15 Feb 1971]SA/BRA/5/9/8/6
Image of receipt printed on day decimal currency introduced
[c. 15 Feb 1971]Shows prices in decimal currency. The address on the receipt is for the Stamford Street branch.

Image of checkout in unidentified branch with staff member and customers
[c. 15 Feb 1971]Image seems to have been taken on or shortly after 15 February 1971, the first day on which customers used decimal currency, because shelf edge labels showing prices in the old currency and the new...

Includes black and white photographs of customers in the Croydon decimalisation demonstration branch and chairman John Davan Sainsbury in the store with Zena Skinner (television personality) making a short film about decimal shopping. Also contains images of products on shelves with new pricing labelled.
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See also SA/BRA/5/9/8 for photos after the branch after it had closed and had been temporarily converted into a decimalisation training shop.
9/11 London Road, Croydon branch images
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