Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park
8 Jun 1976Shows "Sainsbury's new supermarket Now Open" sign and car park. In background shoppers can be seen queueing outside store.

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park
1976In background shoppers can be seen queueing outside store

Image of the car park at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day. The photo includes the disabled parking spaces.

Image of an end of aisle special offer for cleaning products at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day, showing a display for cleaning products on special offer including Ariel.

Image of a fire exit at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including staff and customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of a customer at the beers, wines and spirits aisle at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the exterior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the checkout area at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including staff
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day and used in June 1976 issue of 'JS Journal'

Image of the checkout area at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including staff and customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the exterior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of a woman sitting on a bench with Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch in background
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the exterior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the checkout area at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including staff and customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of staff member possibly outside Bexhill branch
[8 Jun 1976]SA/BRA/7/B/16/2/21

Image of the checkout area at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day. Includes frozen food aisle.

Image of the frozen food aisle at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day.

Image of part of an aisle at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day. The picture shows a display including washing-up gloves, oven gloves, aprons, cloths, shoe polish.

Image of a customer at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of part of an aisle selling coat hangers at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of part of an aisle selling coat hangers at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day. Includes display of Sainsbury's Trifle Sponge Cakes.

Image of the interior at Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch including customers
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of a sign outside a shop inscribed 'Mr Pickwick offers the shortest way to Sainsbury's'
8 Jun 1976Image was taken on opening day

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park

Images of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch and car park
1970s-1980sContact sheet of photos (probably by Brian Shuel, the handwriting on the back looks the same as on his photos).

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch

Image of the exterior of Buckhurst Place, Bexhill branch

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