Image of exterior of the Opera House and Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells
[1900s-1910s]Photograph of a postcard. It is unclear if the branch at 94 Mount Pleasant Road was open when this image was taken

Image of exterior of the Opera House and Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells
[1900s-1910s]Photograph of a postcard. It is unclear if the branch at 94 Mount Pleasant Road was open when this image was taken

Image of exterior of the Opera House, Tunbridge Wells, showing 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1903-1909]Postcard. The branch is on the left of the image

Image of exterior of the Opera House, Tunbridge Wells, showing 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1903-1910s]Photograph of a postcard. The branch is on the left of the image

Image of exterior of the Opera House and Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, showing 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1903-1910s]Copy of a postcard. The branch is slightly to the left of the centre of the image

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing display of Christmas poultry with staff
[c. 1907]Postcard. Includes turkeys and Surrey capons. Postmark reads "Tunbridge Wells, 7.30pm, Ja 8 07"

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing window displays
[1910s-1930s]Shows display of cheeses and display of Crelos margarine with a sign reading "Broad-Casting News. A Message from Ma's (Mars[?]): Buy Sainsbury's Crelos. It's Wonderful". Also includes "Buy Crelos"...

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing window display of tea
[1910s-1930s]Label on back reads "94 The Wells, then known as 28 Mt Pleasant. Competition window for Cricket Week, year ?"

Image of exterior of the Opera House, Tunbridge Wells, showing 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1914]Photograph of a postcard. The branch is on the left of the image

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing display of Christmas poultry with staff
Dec 1919Label on back states that the manager was Mr Scott and Mrs Norman stands third on the right

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing window displays with staff
1920sShows display of tea and display of Crelos margarine and butter, with dolls dressed as cricketers. Note on the back reads "Cricket Week window. The wickets, bats and bails were covered in Crelos"....

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing window displays with staff member
1922Includes display of cheeses, hams, and cooked meat products. The cooked meat products are promoted with a sign reading "Things you will require for The Holidays: Sainsbury's Veal & Ham Pies, Polonies,...

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch showing display of Christmas poultry with staff and customers
[Dec 1925-Dec 1927]Staff shown are, from left to right, Mervin Grinyer, Reg Tutchener and Reg Iles

Image of exterior of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch with staff
1929-1930Includes manager Mr Melch, displays of eggs and poster in window advertising "J. Sainsbury's Famous Veal & Ham Pies"
Image of cricket team made up of staff of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch[?]
[c. 1930]Photograph of original print. Letter relating to image (now in branch file) lists some of those pictured as follows: (back row, left to right) Mr Smith, Charles Bingham (manager), Reg Tutchener,...

Image of unidentified man, possibly 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch manager Charles Bingham, on roof of branch
[c. 1930]Photograph of a print

Image of unidentified man, possibly 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch manager Charles Bingham, on roof of branch
[c. 1930]Photograph of a print

Image of unidentified man, possibly 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch manager Charles Bingham, on roof of branch
[c. 1930]Photograph of a print

Image of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch staff members on roof of branch
[c. 1930]Photograph of a print. Subjects labelled on duplicate print as, from left to right, Leslie Pope, Cyril Pope, and B. Smith

Image of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch staff members on roof of branch
[c. 1930]Photograph of a print. Subjects labelled on duplicate print as, from left to right, Leslie Pope, Cyril Pope, and B. Smith

Image of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch delivery van with staff
4 May 1935Photograph of a print. Letter relating to image (now in branch file) identifies men as drivers Mr Walton (left) and Peter Jay. Includes advertisement for Blue Kaddy Tea painted on van and part of...

Image of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch delivery van with staff
4 May 1935Photograph of a print. Letter relating to image (now in branch file) identifies men as drivers Mr Walton (left) and Peter Jay. Includes advertisement for Blue Kaddy Tea painted on van and part of...

Image of bus in front of 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[c. 1930s]Postcard. Only the "J Sainsbury" sign above the branch entrance is visible

Image of Arthur Russell behind egg counter at unidentified branch, possibly 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1956-1959]Photograph of a print. Duplicate print labelled "Arthur Russell, late 1950s, T/Wells? Became senior manager T/Wells 1990-1997"

Image of Arthur Russell behind egg counter at unidentified branch, possibly 94 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells branch
[1956-1959]Photograph of a print. Duplicate print labelled "Arthur Russell, late 1950s, T/Wells? Became senior manager T/Wells 1990-1997"

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