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8 results

Design and distribution of Christmas cards correspondence, cards and other papers


Correspondence and paperwork relating to the design and distribution of corporate Christmas cards. The Christmas cards feature paintings from the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery therefore a...


Design and distribution of Christmas cards correspondence, cards and other papers

Corporate sponsorship of museums material


Includes photocopied and original press cuttings and broadcast transcripts relating to the plans for a Sainsbury Wing extension at the National Gallery and the Getty endowment received by the gallery....


Corporate sponsorship of museums material

Sainsbury Wing press cuttings


Press cuttings relating to the gift made by Sir John Sainsbury, Mr Simon Sainsbury and Mr Timothy Sainsbury of the Sainsbury Wing extension to the National Gallery.


Sainsbury Wing press cuttings

Sainsbury Wing press cuttings


Collection of press cuttings relating to the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery.


Sainsbury Wing press cuttings

Sainsbury Wing press cuttings


Collection of press cuttings relating to the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery. Indexed. There are two similar volumes, one containing more original press cuttings and other more photocopies, but...


Sainsbury Wing press cuttings

Sainsbury Wing press coverage


Includes press cutting, Telex reports and other assorted papers relating to the Sainsbury's Wing of the National Gallery. Also includes an audio tape of radio coverage (includes vox pops with members...


Sainsbury Wing press coverage

Early Renaissance Collection in the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery posters


Two duplicate posters advertising the Early Renaissance Collection in the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery. The posters features the head and shoulders of Venus from 'Venus and Mars' by Sandro...


Early Renaissance Collection in the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery posters

Video recordings about The Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery


Video recordings about The Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery