Design Studio guard book
"We apologise for the unavoidable inconvenience…during modernisation…" flyer
Flyer apologising for inconvenience during alterations to a Sainsbury's branch and promising an improved range of foods, more household goods and more checkouts. The store isn't named so it seems likely it was intended to be used in any branch which was undergoing modernisation rather than a...
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- Ref. No: SA/DES/39/109
- Date: [1960s]
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Flyer apologising for inconvenience during alterations to a Sainsbury's branch and promising an improved range of foods, more household goods and more checkouts. The store isn't named so it seems likely it was intended to be used in any branch which was undergoing modernisation rather than a specific branch.
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