Design Studio guard book
"Get yourself a job at Sainsbury's" (Buntingford) leaflet
Recruitment leaflet for women to work in the Food Production Department at Sainsbury's Buntingford Depot. The leaflet has an introduction signed by Simon Sainsbury, Personnel Director. Design by Sainsbury's Design Studio.
- Ref. No: SA/DES/39/345
- Date: Feb 1968
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Recruitment leaflet for women to work in the Food Production Department at Sainsbury's Buntingford Depot. The leaflet has an introduction signed by Simon Sainsbury, Personnel Director. Design by Sainsbury's Design Studio.
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Recruitment leaflet for women to work in the Food Production Department at Sainsbury's Basingstoke Depot. The leaflet has an introduction signed by Simon Sainsbury, Personnel Director. Design by Sainsbury's Design Studio.
"Get yourself a job at Sainsbury's" (Basingstoke) leaflet
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