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"Sainsbury's new super Self-Service opens in Kings Heath…" flyer
Leaflet promoting the opening of the new self-service store at 32/34 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham. It includes a price list of selected own-brand items. The leaflet is mounted in a guardbook so the back page is not fully viewable and is not included in digital images of the item. The...
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- Ref. No: SA/DES/39/451
- Date: 1966
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Leaflet promoting the opening of the new self-service store at 32/34 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham. It includes a price list of selected own-brand items. The leaflet is mounted in a guardbook so the back page is not fully viewable and is not included in digital images of the item. The back page however appears to be identical to the front page.
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