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Audio recording of "Talking Shop: Sainsbury's Management Prospectus" produced by RNIB braille copy. Recording includes single tone index signals.

Summary of contents, side A:
Section 1 Welcome to Sainsbury's.
Section 2 The reality of retail.
Section 3 Introduction to retail management.
Section 4 School Leavers Theo Theodorou (ph) and Stuart Linnen.
Section 5 Management Training School Leaver Jose Gomez (ph).
Section 6 Management Training School Leaver and Undergraduate David Merrifield.
Section 7 Management Training Vocation Training Scheme and Graduate Julian Miller.
Section Management Training Business Placement Undergraduate Graham Jolly.
Section 9 Management training for retail.
Section 10 Sava Centre.

Side B:
Section 11 Homebase.
Section 12 Introduction to Head Office.
Section 13 Trading.
Section 14 Distribution.
Section 15 Logistics.
Section 16 Finance.
Section 17 Information Systems Division.
Section 18 Are we talking your language?
Section 19 How do you apply?