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Newsletter (4 pages) for Sainsbury’s Veterans (retired staff) printed and published by the Veterans Welfare Section and the Sainsbury Staff Association.

[untitled] - offer of special rates for Veterans at the Merdon Hotel, Bournemouth
‘Retirements’ - names and addresses of recent retirees joining the Veterans Group.
‘Visitors' News’ - list that acknowledges the names and addresses of Veterans who are in hospital or sick and extends them well wishes.
‘March Birthdays’ - list of birthdays and addresses of veterans born in March.
‘Change of Address’ - details of address changes for Veterans.
‘Obituaries’ - names and addresses of Veterans who had recently died.
‘Thought for the month’ - “True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.”
'Apologies for Errors and Omissions' - apologies for omitted Veterans birthdays.
'Acknowledgements' - thanks for wedding anniversary cards