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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets, Savacentre and Homebase.

“A message from Irene” Christmas message from Irene Bradford
“Colleague Cards replace discount cards” changes to discount cards announced
“Sutton’s long servers” eight veterans who had over 40 years of service
“Christmas Cover winner” winner of Christmas card competition
“South East Region” South East Region bowls competition at Dulwich
“From the Chairman, Eric Nicholls” annual report from Veterans Association chairman
“Farewell to Stamford House” two page article by Bridget Williams on the history of the former head office and depot
“A happy ending” cancer update from veterans deputy chairman
“Retirements, Birthdays, Anniversaries and Obituaries”
“Local Associations” reports from thirteen associations
“SSA Offers” listing of offers available
"Christmas Tart” Wendy Godfrey’s latest recipe
“Volunteers wanted” appeal to help grocery aid support local charities in your area