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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Veterans Office Christmas Message”
“Bromley have the Brains” members of the Bromley Association win the regional quiz
“Christmas gift vouchers” have you surrendered your Discount Card
“Apologies” article for Veterans News lost in the post
“Bowled over” result of the Annual Bowls Competition
“Annual Pension Payslip Reminder” reminder from the payroll department
“Cover Stars” results of the Winter Cover Competition
“End of Year Report” by Veterans Chairman
“Local Associations” reports from twelve associations
“Reunions 2005” dates for Veterans' diaries
“Veteran Volunteer Visitors” introduction of short meeting and training session at Holborn
“Info Winter 2004" - retirements, birthdays, anniversaries and obituaries
“Sixty years on” veteran’s memories of his memories of Arnhem
“Letters” a selection of your letters
“Mini Christmas Cakes” Wendy Godfrey’s latest recipe
“Christmas Crossword”
“SSA Holidays & Offers for Veterans” listing of available offers
“Christmas Past” memories of the first Christmas of World War II