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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Eastern Region welcomes new Chairman”
“You can bank on this” details of Sainsbury’s Bank new products
“Worthy Winner” announcement on the winner of the crossword competition
“Junk the junk mail” prevention of junk mail arriving for people who have died
“Reunions in full swing” details of annual reunions taking place
“Veteran Volunteer Visitors” welcoming new volunteers to the scheme
“Southampton February” report on Southampton union
“Reunion Charities” details of the two charities being supported at Reunions
“Epilepsy Action & Myasthenia Gravis”
“Local Associations” reports from sixteen associations
“Info Spring 2005” details of retirements, birthdays, anniversaries and obituary
“Letters” a selection of letters
“Fish Pie” Wendy Godfrey’s latest recipe
“Eastern Promise” article by new chairman, Martin Cowan, of the Eastern association
“SSA Holidays & Offers for Veterans” listing of available offers
“Airport Action” offers on hotels and parking at UK airports
“Black Circle Tyres” Offers to veterans on new tyres
“Your History” letters and photographs from veterans