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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Veterans Group plays cupid” - couple from Christchurch store get married
“Change of Address” - the Editorial office moves to new premises
“A chance to add your story to the JS Archive” - Veterans are invited to add their stories to the Sainsbury Archive at an open day
“Grahame’s never get away” - report on the Annual Coarse Fishing competition
“When you need a helping hand” - information on another source of help for Sainsbury’s Veterans
“Greetings from Caravan!” - Sainsbury’s employees may be entitled to help from this charity
“Don’t miss the boat…” changes to the itinerary for those who are booked on the May 2007 cruise
“Reunions- 2016” reports on reunions held in 2006
“Home from Home” - why not become a Homesitter
“Info Autumn 2006” - details of retirements, birthdays, anniversaries and obituaries
“Local Associations” - reports from the regions
“SSA Offers for Veterans” - details of offers and discounts