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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Pages from the past” annual reunion competition relating to the JS Journal
“New Veteran Discount Cards” issue of new discount cards
“Olympic Veterans” request for information from Veterans working at 2012 Olympics
“Do you recognise this clock?” request for information on clock [SA/BRA/1/6/3] acquired by the archive
"The day I met the Queen" article by Eric Nicholls on presentation of his MBE
“Reunions 2012” details of area reunions
“Info Summer 2012” - list of new members, birthdays, anniversaries and obituaries
“Local Associations” - reports from local Veterans associations, including recent events
“Saintly Service” 50th anniversary of a veteran’s service with St John’s Ambulance”
“Are you a Sainsbury’s shareholder?” management of shareholdings in Sainsbury’s
“Letters” letters from veterans
“Wedding celebrations” anniversaries for 3 veteran couples
“The Sainsbury Veterans Welfare Scheme” scheme annual report