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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Welcome”- Ian Fidler, Chairman Sainsbury’s Veterans Group
“Veterans Discount Card - Conditions of Use"
“News from the Business”- update on the company's results from Mike Coupe Chief Executive, donation to Comic Relief, and commitment to source 100% British lamb
“Wendy’s Recipe File” - picnic recipe by Wendy Godfrey for sausage pie
“Picture this”- photographic competition winner.
“2016 Reunions”- news and pictures from annual regional reunions
“Looking for somewhere to visit with your local association”- information on veterans' visits to the Sainsbury Archive
“Age related macular degeneration...”- advice from the Macular Society
“Can you solve these anagrams?” puzzle
“Was Sainsbury’s your Cupid?”- story of a couple who met at Walthamstow store
“Welcome..." list of new members
“Focus on a destination”- Veterans visit to Blenheim Palace
“Book review” – review of 'Jane Eyre' on its bicentenary
"Making a positive difference to our community" - volunteering news from Veterans
“Volunteering with your local association”- call for volunteers for the Welfare Scheme
“Local Associations”- news from local associations
“Sainsbury’s Extra Benefits”- benefits available to Veterans
“SSA Offers”- travel and visitor attractions offers from the Staff Association.
“With sympathy” names and branches for veterans who have recently died.
“Don’t get scammed”- news of telephone scams against Veterans.
“Letters”- letters from veterans.
“Travel Club offers”- holiday offers for veterans.