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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Welcome”- Ian Fidler Chairman Sainsbury’s Veterans Group
“Sainsbury’s Argos Veteran Discount” - extension of veterans’ discount card to Argos will apply to new Veterans only.
“Veterans help store celebrate anniversary” - Veterans in Macclesfield 25 anniversary.
“Results”- interim financial results for half year.
“Great Ormond Street benefit from Christmas Advert”- Sainsbury's Christmas advert 'The Greatest Gift' to raise fund for hospital.
“Acquisition of Home Retail Group completed”- acquisition of owner of Argos and Habitat completed on 2 Sep 2016.
“Situations Vacant”- regional associations committee vacancies.
“Chairman’s End of Year Review 2016”- annual review of activities by Chairman
“Welcome..." - list of new members
“Let’s get together London - update”- progress on London Office Veterans section.
“New for 2017 - reunions”- introduction of bi-annual reunions.
“Prize Crossword”- crossword competition.
“How to Tweet”- introduction to Twitter.
“Useful Contact Details” email, phone and address details.
“SSA offers” - travel and visitor attractions offers from the Staff Association
“Why I am a Volunteer”- reasons to volunteer from a Veteran
“Wendy’s recipe File” - pudding recipes for Eton Mess and Lemon or Lime Posset
“From the Sainsbury Archive” - some Christmas related items from the Sainsbury Archive.
“That’s Entertainment! 2016”- Veteran Christmas Concert.
“Local Associations”- news from local Associations.
“With sympathy”- names and branches for Veterans who have recently died.
“Lest we Forget”- Remembrance Day with a Veteran.
“Letters”- letters from Veterans.
“Cover Star”- winner of front cover design competition.
“Travel Club savings!”- holiday offers for veterans.