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Magazine (24 pages) published for Veterans of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets.

“Welcome”- by Ian Fidler Chairman Sainsbury’s Veterans Group
“Bromley LA continue to tackle loneliness”- report on branch visitors and befrienders.
“Thank you Maureen”- retirement of Veterans branch secretary for Wolverhampton.
Photo from Colchester Gazette including site of High Street, Colchester store [this picture is not in the archive, and features the previous building on the site with a large J. Sainsbury sign on it, perhaps to announce that a Sainsbury's would be built there?]
“Competition Winner”
“Results”- third quarter trading results.
“Sports Relief”- Gemma Atkinson launches Sports Relief merchandise.
“Discount Card Updates”- details of scheme and benefits.
“Welcome..." list of new members
“London Office Group”- visit to Brooklands Museum of Transport.
“In the Garden” – Gardening advice.
“Well, I didn’t know that” - feedback on veterans' website article in last magazine.
“The Sainsbury Archive needs you” - invitation to event on 23 May at the Sainsbury Archive at the Museum of London Docklands [now London Museum Docklands] including demonstration of new website and workshops for capturing memories.
“What to do when a loved one dies”- bereavement advice.
“SSA Sainsbury’s Social Association” - travel and visit offers from the SSA.
“Local Associations”- news from local Associations.
"We had a better than excellent two days at Lakeside" - report of a reunion
“Want to become a volunteer?”- advice on volunteering organisations.
“With sympathy”- names and branches for veterans who have recently died.
“Celebrations”- wedding anniversary celebrations.
“Parkrun” - information on weekly runs
“Self Service from the Sainsbury Archive“- archive images from the opening of the first self service store in Croydon.
“Congratulations”- competition winners.
“Travel Club offers”- holiday offers for veterans.