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'JS Veterans News', May 1991

May 1991

Magazine (8 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff) . Contents: “The Best Tea Party in Town” - report on 43rd Annual Reunion of the Veterans Group “Gadding around Gozo” - article on a holiday...


'JS Veterans News', May 1991

'JS Veterans News', October 1991

Oct 1991

Magazine (8 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff). Contents: “A tour of the Archives” - article by Graeme Nichols, chairman, Veterans Group “Thought for the month” “Keeping in Touch” -...


'JS Veterans News', October 1991

'JS Veterans News', December 1991

Dec 1991

Magazine (8 pages) for JS Veterans (retired staff). Contents: “Graeme Nichols Signs Off” - final article by Graeme Nichols as chairman of the Veterans Group “Visitors find the “Perfick”...


'JS Veterans News', December 1991