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Photograph of competitors at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949



SA/EMP/SOC/3/IMA/1/1 - Photograph of competitors at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949
Photograph of competitors at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949

Photograph of tug of war at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, Dulwich, c.1930

c. 1930


SA/EMP/SOC/3/IMA/1/2 - Photograph of tug of war at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, Dulwich, c.1930
Photograph of tug of war at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, Dulwich, c.1930

Photograph of egg and spoon race at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949



SA/EMP/SOC/3/IMA/1/3 - Photograph of egg and spoon race at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949
Photograph of egg and spoon race at Sainsbury's Staff Association Sports Day, 1949

Colour slide of Coventry area staff at a Sainsbury's Staff Association event



Colour slide of Coventry area staff at a Sainsbury's Staff Association event