Includes signed indenture between John James Sainsbury and Alfred Banton relating to assignment of leasehold on premises at 424 Tottenham High Road, 25 May 1903, for the sum of £1,500, with associated letter from solicitors Richardson, Foxwell & Hart.
Also includes an architectural drawing and license for proposed alterations to new warehouse premises at Tottenham High Road, 5 December 1932. The licence is made out from J.B Sainsbury Esq. & Others to J. Sainsbury Limited.
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Leasehold assignment indenture and alteration licence for Sainsbury's branch at 424 Tottenham High Road
- Ref. No: SA/LE/2/3
- Format: Document/Page/item
- Date: 1903-1932
- Level: File
- Extent: 3 items
- Access: Open
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