Advertising cards for grocery lines, 1920s-1930s
"Good food for Christmas 1935" price list leaflet
Illustrated price list with prices of various foods for Christmas including biscuits, chocolates (in fancy boxes), Christmas crackers, Christmas puddings, glace fruits, Chinese young stem ginger, Tunis dates, and Turkish figs. Duplicate of SA/MARK/ADV/3/3/6/1/14.
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/10/71
- Date: 1935
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Illustrated price list with prices of various foods for Christmas including biscuits, chocolates (in fancy boxes), Christmas crackers, Christmas puddings, glace fruits, Chinese young stem ginger, Tunis dates, and Turkish figs. Duplicate of SA/MARK/ADV/3/3/6/1/14.
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