Press advertisements, 1937
1. 'Sainsbury's dairy-fed pork and homemade sausages'. 'The art of...
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/24
- Format: Bound Volume
- Date: 1 Feb 1937
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 volume
- Access: Open
'The art of blending meats to produce a perfect pork sausage is known to very few, but to none better than the firm of J Sainsbury, who are producers...
Advertisement published in the Evening News.
Advertisement published in the Evening News. Includes images of "a typical New Zealand scene".
Advertisement published in the Evening News.
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Millions must be found to balance the budget but million balance the household budget by always shopping...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. Features slogan "The most economical link between producer and consumer".
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Sainsbury's were the first retailers to collect eggs from the producer on a large scale, and millions...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Sainsbury's occupy a unique position in the retail poultry trade. They have perhaps the largest...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. Includes slogan 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
Newspaper advertisement promoting ready cooked foods (pies and cooked meats) for people watching the coronation pageant of King George VI in...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'These hand raised pies are made from the best English Meat. They are cooked in model kitchens under...
Advertisement published in the Evening News.
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Whether from the rich pastures of Somerset or far-off Canterbury (New Zealand) Lamb is ideal Summer fare...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Departments Dairy Butter & New Laid Eggs, English & Continental Cheese, Wiltshire and Waterford Bacon,...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'At Sainsbury's branches everything is handling the most hygienic and cleanly manner. The quick turnover...
Advertisement published in the Evening News on Tuesday 13th July and repeated on 21st July [1937]. 'Lamb is undoubtedly the ideal summer joint and...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'The aim of Sainsbury's has always to give the utmost value. Sainsbury's prices always have been, and...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. Includes prices. 'Quality and condition guaranteed perfect. Slogan: 'The most economical link between...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. "Buy Butter at Sainsbury's". 'For many years wise housewives have followed this advice, but now dearer...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Why Sainsbury's Groceries always please because they are packed direct into containers, because this...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'There is no beef to compare the famous Aberdeen Angus, Bred and fed in the districts of Donside and...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'There is no finer fruit available at any price'. Prices listed for raisins, sultanas, currants. Slogan: ...
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'The Continued rise in the price of butter has served to introduce Sainsbury's crelos margarine to many...
Advertisement published in the Evening News.
Advertisement published in the Evening News. 'Now on the high seas from Australia and New Zealand. Remember it is now Summer in the Antipodes where...
'Hygiene and Cleanliness are perhaps the greatest demands made by the modern housewife, upon those who supply her with the necessities of life. This...
1. 'Sainsbury's dairy-fed pork and homemade sausages'. 'The art of blending meats to produce a perfect pork sausage is known to very few, but to none better than the firm of J Sainsbury, who are producers of the finest pork sausages made today. Only the choicest quality young pigs are used, and these are humanely slaughtered in the cleanest and most up-to-date abbattoirs in the country.' Price list. Slogan 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
2. 'Good News Bacon Butter Cheese Eggs All Cheaper at Sainsburys Branches'. '
3. 'New Season Lamb' (photograph of New Zealand lamb) includes prices.
4. 'Scotch Beef ''A real luxury at Sainsbury's at very low prices' includes photos and price list.
5. 'Millions must be found to balance the budget but million balance the household budget by always shopping at Sainsbury's who sell the best at London's lowest prices' includes prices for bacon, empire butter and English eggs.
6. 'Sainsbury's Empire Butter', includes sketch of cows and price list of butter.
7. 'Lower Prices Genuine Canterbury Lamb' includes sketch of lamb and price list. 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
8. 'English New Laid Eggs' 'Sainsbury's were the first retailers to collect eggs from the producer on a large scale, and millions are graded and tested in the course of a year at their depots in Devonshire and the Eastern Counties'. 'The Freshness of Every Egg is Guaranteed and Sainsbury's offer today selected English new laid at 1d each.' 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
9. 'English Poultry is Perfection at Sainsbury's'. 'Sainsbury's occupy a unique position int he retail poultry Trade. They have perhaps the largest connection in the country with the actual producers - in fact hey receive the daily output from several hundred poultry farmers and small holders. Sainsbury's have given special encouragement to breeders of table poultry, the fattening of which is a highly specialised business; and this direct association with the sources of production enables them to offer the finest selection at prices which are pence per lb. below those general quoted elsewhere. Includes price list. 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
10. 'Sainsbury's for the finest Provisions Groceries Dairy Produce Poultry & Game Fresh Meat' 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
11. 'Coronation Fare Sainsbury's. Whether you will be in a luxury seat in a stand, or among the excited bustle of the crowd - you will have many hours to wait before the great moment when the pageant passes. Food will be a problem - why not let Sainsbury's read-cooked food Dept. supply your needs for the historic occasion. Raised pies, piekins, galantine chicken, ham, smoked sausage, roast Chicken, sliced ox tongue, blazed brisket, real york hams, pressed pork.' includes photos of meat.
12. 'Sainsbury's Hand-raised Pies 1/- [one shilling] per lb are delicious. These hand raised pies are made from the best English Meat. They are cooked in model kitchens under conditions of absolute cleanliness. And as to Variety - at Sainsbury's you will find Pork Pies of every shape and size, and vela and Ham pies too, suitable for anything from a slight snack to a big party. Whenever time is short or cooking an inconvenience, visit one of our ready cooked meat departments and make your choice from the array of tempting delicacies. The freshness of every pie is guaranteed. J. Sainsbury Where Shopping is a joy - and an economy. Photos of pies, price list.
13. 'Lamb is now Perfection' whether from the rish pastures of Somerset or far-off Canterbury (New Zealand) Lamb is ideal Summer fare and is equally delicious served hot or cold. Sainsbury's sell the finest quality in the World and joints are cut to suit every purse and household. Price list for Canterbury lamb. Photo of lamb. Slogan 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
14. 'J Sainsbury The Most Economical Link between producer and consumer'. Departments Dairy Butter & New Laid Eggs, English & Continental Cheese, Wiltshire and Waterford Bacon, English Scotch & Imported Meat, Ready Cooked Meats and Pies, Poultry & Game. Everything you Buy at Sainsbury's is the Choicest Quality and Sainsbury's Save you Money. Photo of sheep and store with fastening.
15. 'You can depend upon Sainsbury's During the hot Weather for all Perishable Provisions. At Sainsbury's branches everything is handling the most hygienic and cleanly manner [sic]. The quick turnover of all supplies is a guarantee of the freshness of your every purchase. Sainsbury's ready cooked meat department supplies a variety of dainty dishes for the hot weather menu. Slogan 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
16. 'The finest lamb in the World!. Lamb is undoubtedly the ideal summer joint and just now it is simply delicious. Whether from the rich pastures of Somerset or Canterbury, New Zealand, the Sainsbury Quality is the finest Obtainable -and prices for the latter are amazingly low. Includes photo of lamb, price list. Slogan 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
17. 'Bacon Cheaper at Sainsbury's.'
18. 'Sainsbury's Service to the Household. The aim of Sainsbury's has always to give the utmost value. Sainsbury's prices aways have been, and still remain, lower than most. Today more than ever it pays to shop at Sainsbury's - where high quality, low price and good service always meet.' Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
19. 'Lower Prices at Sainsbury's. The very choicest English and Scotch mutton & Lamb'. Price list. 'Quality and condition guaranteed perfect. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
20. 'Dairy Produce at Sainsbury's. "Buy Butter at Sainsbury's". 'For many years wise housewives have followed this advice, but now dearer butter has introduced thousands to the finest margarine in the world. Crelos at 8d. Tastes like Butter and has the same food value.' Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
21. 'Groceries at Sainsbury's Why Sainsbury's Groceries always please because they are packed direct into containers, because this hygienic method of packing ensures perfect freshness, because branches have deliveries from day to day. New Season's Fruit Now Arriving Make your puddings early. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
22. 'Sainsbury's Scotch Beef is the genuine article. There is no beef to compare the the famous Aberdeen Angus, Bred and fed in the distrcits if Donside and Deeside. Price list. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
23. 'Your puddings will be a success if you use Sainsbury's xmas fruits'. 'There is no finer fruit available at any price'. Price list for raisins, sultanas, currants. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
24. 'Sainsbury's Crelos the Wonder Margarine. The Continued rise in the price of butter has served to introduce Sainsbury's crelos margarine to many thousands of hosuewives. Teh daily increase in the demand for Crelos proves how popular this splendid article has become. Crelos is of such outstanding excellence that it is saving money daily for thousands of housewives who have never used margarine before - and who have never dreamed of using it at all! Eight pence pound ' price list. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
25. 'Over a million boxes of Empire Butter now on the high seas from Australia and New Zealand. Remember it is now Summer in the Antipodes where butter from the rich new grass is absolutely perfection.' Price list. Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
26. 'Sainsbury's service to the household. Hygiene and Cleanliness are perhaps the greatest demands made by the modern housewife, upon those who supply her with the necessities of life. This fact has long been realized by Sainsbury's and a visit to their local branch will convince you how near to perfection it is. Good food means good health. Every household can afford the Sainsbury quality.' Slogan: 'The most economical link between producer and consumer'.
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