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"Christmas Fruits" newspaper advertisement
'Christmas Fruits' advert, 1934 with prices included for 'Currants', 'Raisins', 'Sultanas' for both 'Fine Quality' and 'Extra Choice'.
Also includes an illustration of a woman making a cake.
Includes a separate note that the advert was included in the St Leonards Observer with date.
Also includes an illustration of a woman making a cake.
Includes a separate note that the advert was included in the St Leonards Observer with date.
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/16/96
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: 3 Nov 1934
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
'Christmas Fruits' advert, 1934 with prices included for 'Currants', 'Raisins', 'Sultanas' for both 'Fine Quality' and 'Extra Choice'.
Also includes an illustration of a woman making a cake.
Includes a separate note that the advert was included in the St Leonards Observer with date.
Also includes an illustration of a woman making a cake.
Includes a separate note that the advert was included in the St Leonards Observer with date.
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