"For 70 years Sainsbury's have played a vital part in distributing the Nation's food" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes illustrations of people in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the bottom of the advertisement probably is a reference to the advertising agency Mather and Crowther Ltd.

"Only at Sainsbury's" newspaper advertisement
May 1939Advert promoting Sainsbury's own-brand 'Selsa' range. An advert for the 70th anniversary. Includes illustrations of grocery packaging and figures in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the...

"Sainsbury's lower prices for Scotch Beef" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for 'Sirloin & Wing Ribs'; 'Prime Ribs'; 'Ribs for Rolling'; 'Back Ribs and Top Ribs'; 'Topside'; 'Silverside'; 'Aitch Bone'; 'Brisket'. Includes illustration of cut of beef and...

"For 70 years Sainsbury's have played a vital part in distributing the Nation's food" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes illustrations of people in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the bottom of the advertisement probably is a reference to the advertising agency Mather and Crowther Ltd.

"Sainsbury's low prices for Scotch Beef" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for 'Sirloin & Wing Ribs'; 'Prime Ribs'; 'Ribs for Rolling'; 'Back Ribs and Top Ribs'; 'Topside'; 'Silverside'; 'Aitch Bone'; 'Brisket'. Includes illustration of cut of beef and...

"Sainsbury's lower prices for Scotch Beef" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for 'Sirloin & Wing Ribs'; 'Prime Ribs'; 'Ribs for Rolling'; 'Back Ribs and Top Ribs'; 'Topside'; 'Silverside'; 'Aitch Bone'; 'Brisket'. Includes illustration of cut of beef and...

"Seventy years of Cheese" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for 'English Cheddar and Cheshire'; 'Matured Empire Cheddar'; 'White or Red Cheese'; 'Gorgonzola'; 'Gruyere'. Includes pictures of cheese and illustrations of people.

"Zig-Zag or Bee-Line?" newspaper advertisement
1939With strapline 'For 70 years since 1869, the shops of J. Sainsbury have played a vital part in distributing the nation's food'. Includes illustrations of shopping baskets. "M & C" printed at the...

"The when and wherefrom of Sainsbury's Lamb" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices. 'For 70 years - since 1869 - the mutual friends of farmer and family'. Includes illustration of lambs in a field along with figures in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the...

"After 70 years of progress - Sainsbury's To-day!" newspaper advertisement
26 Jun 1939Includes information about 'Sainsbury's and the farmers'; 'Sainsbury's and their staff'; 'Sainsbury's and their customers'. Includes illustrations of people. Advert from the Daily Telegraph and...

"70 years of good providing" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes information about cheese, 'Selsa' goods, butter and bacon along with prices for smoked bacon. Includes illustrations of people in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the bottom of the...

"Why is everything at Sainsbury's so beautifully fresh!" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes slogan 'J. Sainsbury for 70 years - since 1869 - the most economical link between farmer and family'. Contains information about poultry, pork sausages, lamb, eggs and prices for Canterbury...

"Why is everything at Sainsbury's so beautifully fresh!" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes the slogan 'J. Sainsbury for 70 years - since 1869 - the most economical link between farmer and family'. Contains information about poultry, pork sausages, lamb, eggs and prices for...

"Why is everything at Sainsbury's so beautifully fresh!" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes the slogan 'J. Sainsbury for 70 years - since 1869 - the most economical link between farmer and family'. Contains information about poultry, pork sausages, lamb, eggs and prices for...

"The when and wherefrom of Sainsbury's Lamb" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices. 'For 70 years - since 1869 - the mutual friend of farmer and family'. Includes illustration of lambs in a field along with figures in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the...

"Fresh as a daisy!" butter newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices and the slogan 'J. Sainsbury's for 70 years the mutual friend of farmer and family'. Includes a picture of butter and illustrations of people in historical costume. "M & C" printed...

"Why is everything at Sainsbury's so beautifully fresh!" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes the slogan 'J. Sainsbury for 70 years - since 1869 - the most economical link between farmer and family'. Contains information about poultry, pork sausages, lamb, eggs and prices for...

"The when and wherefrom of Sainsbury's Lamb" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices. 'For 70 years - since 1869 - the mutual friend of farmer and family'. Includes illustration of lambs in a field along with figures in historical costume. "M & C" printed at the...

"Why is everything at Sainsbury's so beautifully fresh!" newspaper advertisement
Apr 1939Includes the slogan 'J. Sainsbury for 70 years - since 1869 - the most economical link between farmer and family'. Contains information about poultry, pork sausages, lamb, eggs and prices for...

"Sainsbury's Bacon is Cheap to-day!" newspaper advertisement
12 Apr 1939Includes prices for smoked 'Back (boneless); 'Thick Streaky'; 'Prime Collar'; 'Shoulder'. Includes slogan 'J. Sainsbury For 70 years - since 1869 - have kept quality high and prices low'. Includes...

"Plumped for Sainsbury's" newspaper advertisement
Jun 1939Includes prices for 'Surrey Chickens'; 'Surrey Fowls'; Prime quality Fowls'; 'Plump Chickens'; 'Norfolk Ducklings'. Includes slogan 'J. Sainsbury For 70 years - since 1869 - have kept quality high and...

"for 70 years ever since 1869 - J. Sainsbury has been filling thrifty shopping baskets" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes illustration of groceries in shopping baskets. "M & C" printed at the bottom of the advertisement probably is a reference to the advertising agency Mather and Crowther Ltd.

"New neighbourhoods are not strange neighbourhoods - if there's a Sainsbury's" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes text: 'This shopping basket moved house three times in five years - but never away from Sainsbury's'. Includes illustrations of of a shopping basket full of groceries and people in...

"Sainsbury's Bacon is Cheap to-day!" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for smoked 'Back (boneless); 'Thick Streaky'; 'Prime Collar'; 'Shoulder'. Includes slogan 'J. Sainsbury For 70 years - since 1869 - have kept quality high and prices low'. Includes...

"Seventy years of Cheese" newspaper advertisement
1939Includes prices for 'English Cheddar and Cheshire'; 'Matured Empire Cheddar'; 'White or Red Cheese'; 'Gorgonzola'; 'Gruyere'. Includes pictures of cheese and illustrations of people.

"Zig-Zag or Bee-Line?" newspaper advertisement
1939With strapline 'For 70 years since 1869, the shops of J. Sainsbury have played a vital part in distributing the nation's food'. Includes illustrations of shopping baskets. "M & C" printed on the...

"Butter's "rich relation" - Crelos" margarine newspaper advertisement
May 1939Includes price and slogan 'For 70 years - since 1869 - the shops of J.Sainsbury have played a vital part in distributing the nation's food'. Includes illustrations of people in historic...

"a shallow purse fills a DEEP basket at Sainsbury's" newspaper advertisement
16 May 1939Includes prices for 'Prime Streaky Bacon'; 'Empire Cheese'; Fresh Dairy Butter'; '6 New Laid Eggs'; 'Extra Large Prunes'; Large tin "Selsa" Custard Powder'. Also includes slogan 'This year Sainsbury's...

"for 70 years - ever since 1869 - J. Sainsbury has been filling thrifty shopping baskets" newspaper advertisement
30 May 1939'For 70 years - ever since 1869 - J. Sainsbury has been filling thrifty shopping baskets', advert, 1939. Includes slogan: 'for 70 years - ever since 1869 - J. Sainsbury has been filling thrifty...

"This little pig went to Sainsbury" newspaper advertisement
1 Jun 1939Advertisement promoting Sainsbury's pork products, including pies and smoked sausages. Includes prices for 'Hand-raised pies'; 'Piekins'; 'Veal and Ham Pie'; 'Pork sausages'; Paris sausages'....

"This little pig went to Sainsbury" newspaper advertisement
1939Advertisement promoting Sainsbury's pork products, including pies and smoked sausages. Includes prices for 'Hand-raised pies'; 'Piekins'; 'Veal and Ham Pie'; 'Pork sausages'; Paris...

"This little pig went to Sainsbury" newspaper advertisement
1939Advertisement promoting Sainsbury's pork products, including pies and smoked sausages. Includes prices for 'Hand-raised pies'; 'Piekins'; 'Veal and Ham Pie'; 'Pork sausages'; Paris...

"Don't shoot the man behind the counter!" newspaper advertisement
Sep 1939Features a dialogue between a shop assistant and a customer. Includes an illustration of a male shop assistant.

"A Message to Housewives" newspaper advertisement
2 Oct 1939Includes information about rationing and registration and the motto: 'Grin and share it!' Also includes a pencilled note on the advert was placed in The Times on 2 Oct 1939.

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