"'Crelos' Margarine is the choice of those to whom Quality is the first consideration" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert, printed in black ink. 'Crelos Margarine' is the Choice of those to whom Quality is the first consideration. Prices included. Just try it!. Sold by Sainsbury.

"Proof!" advert proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Advert , printed in black ink. Proof!. Get half a pound of Sainsbury's 'Crelos ' Margarine, place it on the table, side by side with whatever you are using now…say nothing…watch which the...

"Housewives!" advert proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Advert, printed in black ink. Housewives!. Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best get Sainsbury's 'Crelos'Margarine. Prices included. Supreme in Value as well...

"Try 'Crelos Margarine to-day" advert proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Printed in black ink. Try "Crelos" Margarine to - day, (words printed in white on a half-tone background within a black-lined curvy border). Superb Flavour. Supreme Quality. Sold only by...

"Be sure to ask for Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Printed in black ink. Elaborate floral and lined border surround, with a detailed pen & ink illustration of a building (Sainsbury's Head Office), with a horse and carriage outside. Be sure to ask...

"Sainsbury's New Grass Butter" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Text is set within a white square, against a background illustration of a country field. Sainsbury's New Grass Butter. Housewives who experience difficulty at this time of year in obtaining really...

"Sainsbury's - The House that is Built on Quality" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Printed in black ink. Elaborate floral border surround, with a detailed pen & ink illustration of a building (Sainsbury's Head Office), with a horse & carriage outside. Sainsbury's - The House that...

"Sainsbury's New Grass Butter" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Illustrated in black pen and line design, clouds and trees border down the side with two bulls standing on a hillside meadow at the bottom of the picture. Sainsbury's New Grass Butter. Housewives...

"Sainsbury's Smoked Hams" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Illustrated in black pen and line design, oblong in shape, with a border and curvy leaf design in each corner. At the top centre there is an illustration of a building (Sainsbury's Head Office), with...

"Sainsbury's Smoked Hams" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert, with an illustrated border, same line shading and curvy leafed design in each corner. Special Offer - for four weeks only! Sainsbury's Smoked Hams. Prices included. Sainsbury's Faultless...

"Sainsbury's Nut Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Illustrated in black pen and line design, oblong in shape, with a border and curvy leaf design in each corner. At the top centre there is an illustration of a building (Sainsbury's Head Office), with...

"Sainsbury's Cheshire Cheese" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Illustrated in black pen and line design, oblong in shape, with a border and curvy leaf design in each corner. At the top centre there is an illustration of a building ( Sainsbury's Head Office),...

"Sainsbury's Indian & Ceylon Tea" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Illustrated in black pen and line design, oblong in shape, with a border and curvy flower design in each corner. Heart design running along the middle of the borders. At the top centre there is an...

"Economy -the Nation's Duty" advert for Crelos Margarine proof
[1914-1918]There is a black pen & ink style illustration of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben at the top, underneath are the words Economy - the Nation's Duty. Economy, desirable always, is a National...

"Sainsbury's: The House that Helps you to Economise!" advert proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]There is a black pen and ink style illustration of Sainsbury's Head Offices with an illustration of a giant chef leaning on the building. Then within a border beneath it the headline is - Sainsbury's,...

"Sainsbury's Cooked Meats" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for cooked meats. Black and white pen and ink illustration headed of a veal and ham pie in the middle, flanked by a Glazed Pressed Beef on one side and an Old York Ham on the other. Prices...

"Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Black and white pen and ink illustrated border. 'A delicious revelation' is how one customer spoke of 'Crelos' Margarine, and everyone who tries it says much the same....

"Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Black and white pen and ink illustrated border. 'A delicious revelation' is how one customer spoke of 'Crelos' Margarine, and everyone who tries it says much the same....

"Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Black and white pen and ink illustrated border. 'A delicious revelation' is how one customer spoke of 'Crelos' Margarine, and everyone who tries it says much the same....

"£585,000,000 save", war-time Crelos Margarine advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Heading £585,000,000 Save. War has brought 'food-values' home to us as nothing else could; we must cut down food-bills, but not food-nutriment. Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine is as valuable a food as...

"A Sovereign is worth as much as ever if you buy 'Crelos'" advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Headed by an illustration of numerous sovereign one shilling coins. A Sovereign is worth as much as ever if you buy 'Crelos' Your food must be nourishing and it should be appetising; it is dangerous...

"Save!" advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Paper save money advert for 'Crelos' Margarine. Pen and ink black and white illustration border of a brick wall, the advert is styled as a poster on the wall, with customers standing in front viewing...

"Reduction in Price" advertisement proof for Gorgonzola Cheese
[1914-1918]Reduction in Price. The Italian Government having temporarily removed the restriction on the export of Gorgonzola Cheese - Sainsbury's will offer, from Tues., July 4th Gorgonzola Cheese at one...

"Cheese: Cheaper at Sainsbury's" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Cheese, Cheaper at Sainsbury's. Fine Quality, Red and White Canadian Cheese. 11d per lb. An offer of a recipe booklet called 'Cheese Dishes' is free on personal application at any Sainsbury shop.

"Important: Sainsbury's Fresh Butter" design for advertisement
[1914-1918]Sainsbury's Fresh Butter advert. It is not a finished print of the advertisement but appears instead to be a rough design to show the layout of the advertisement. Various elements of the advertisement...

"A Revelation to Butter-Users" advert proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Advert for 'Crelos' Margarine. Patterned border, with the heading - A Revelation to Butter-Users. Owing to shortage of supplies of best Fresh Butter you will find that the famous 'Crelos' Margarine...

"We Must Economise!" newspaper advert for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Newspaper advert. Illustrated border, a large black and white pen and ink illustration of the Prime Minister [Asquith] on the left, with a drawing of the Houses of Parliament at the top. The heading...

"We must Economise!" advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Illustrated advert on white paper. Illustrated oval shaped border, with text inside. 'Crelos ' marks the way. Top left outside the border is a black and white pen and ink illustration of Prime...

"Crelos Margarine on National Service: A Valuable Suggestion" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Black and white pen and ink illustration at the top of an oval shaped logo with the words Crelos Margarine on National Service on it. Next to this is a picture of a...

"Crelos Margarine at Sainsbury's shops" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Black and white pen and ink illustrated border with the words Crelos Margarine as the heading. Within the square border it says 'Crelos' shows you a sane saving - that...

"Sainsbury's Sausages" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for sausages. Decorative black pen and ink illustrated border. Heading Sainsbury's Sausages. Specially Attractive Offer! All Sainsbury's Sausages are Guaranteed made from dairy-fed pork of...

"Sainsbury's - and the Food Problem" advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine.
17 Sep 1915Proof/printed copy of full page advertisement on the front cover of The Daily Express newspaper dated Friday 17th September 1915. Illustration of Sainsbury's head office as a header, with the...

"Sainsbury's French Coffee" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for French Coffee. Decorative black pen and ink illustration of a waitress holding a tray with a cup of coffee on it. Heading Sainsbury's French Coffee. Today the cheapest, most delicious...

"Sainsbury's Cocoa" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Sainsbury's Cocoa. Decorative black pen and ink illustration of a cup of cocoa underneath the heading - Sainsbury's Cocoa. Another True economy for Breakfast, Lunch, or Supper. At a...

"Food in war-time" Crelos Margarine advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine in wartime. Decorative border in black pen & ink, with an illustration of a family at the dinner table on one side and a mother carrying a tray, with her daughter at her...

"Sainsbury's would like to point out..." advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Sainsbury's would like to point out that 'saving' on the price or quality of food is, unless most wisely undertaken, likely to prove a dear business. The selection of...

"Bacon: Cheaper at Sainsbury's" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for bacon. Heading - Bacon, Cheaper at Sainsbury's. Today Sainsbury's offer you the Finest Quality Smoked Bacon, English, Irish or Danish. Prices included. Prime Back, Thick Streaky, Lean...

"Sainsbury's Tea" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for tea and sugar. Picture of a lady drinking tea. Sainsbury's Tea. Quality Tea is the best description of Sainsbury's Pure Indian and Ceylon, it is a rich Tea, perfectly blended, and...

"9d But still the best value" advertisement proof for Crelos Margarine
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos margarine. 9d, But still the best value. Great increase in cost of production and the fact that Sainsbury's sell none but goods of assured high quality mean that an extra penny...

"Crelos Margarine" advertisement proof
[1914-1918]Advert for Crelos Margarine. Picture of a lady eating. Crelos Margarine,. In 'Crelos' you have the ' Sainsbury Quality' in Margarine. 'Crelos' is of such outstanding excellence that it is saving...

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