Press Advertisements and Notices 1915-18
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/5
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: 1915-1918
- Level: File
- Extent: 1 volume
- Access: Open
"'Crelos' Margarine is the choice of those to whom Quality is the first consideration." newspaper advertisement
4 Mar 1915Appeared in the Evening News.

"'Crelos' Margarine is the choice of those to whom Quality is the first consideration." newspaper advertisement
2 Mar 1915Appeared in the Daily Chronicle

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
12 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Put it on the table, see which the children and grown-ups prefer! Appeared in the Daily Chronicle

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
12 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Put it on the table, see which the children and grown-ups prefer! Appeared in the Evening News

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
13 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Put it on the table, see which the children and grown-ups prefer! Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian

"Housewives!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
16 Mar 1915Housewives! Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best, get Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Appeared in the Daily Chronicle

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
17 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Put it on the table, see which the children and grown-ups prefer! Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

"Housewives!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
19 Mar 1915Housewives! Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best, get Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Appeared in the Evening News

"Housewives!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
20 Mar 1915Housewives! Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best, get Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian

"Housewives!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
19 Mar 1915Housewives! Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best, get Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Appeared in the Eastern Daily Press

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
12 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine, place it on the table next to whatever brand you used to use and see which one is preferred. Appeared in the Eastern Daily Press

"Be sure to ask for Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" newspaper advertisement
23 Mar 1915Crelos margarine has won over more Butter users than all other brands. Appeared in the Daily Chronicle

"Proof!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
13 Mar 1915Proof! Get half a pound of Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine, place it on the table next to whatever brand you used to use and see which one is preferred. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian, Branksome...

"Housewives!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
20 Mar 1915Housewives! Nearly all Margarine nowadays is good, but if you want the unquestionable best, get Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian, Branksome Guardian, Poole Guardian,...

"Be sure to ask for Sainsbury's 'Crelos' Margarine" newspaper advertisement
[Mar 1915]Crelos margarine has won over more Butter users than all other brands. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian, Branksome Guardian, Poole Guardian, Southern Guardian, Swanage Guardian, Wimborne Guardian,...

"Try 'Crelos' Margarine to-day" newspaper advertisement
[Mar 1915]Try Crelos Margarine Today. Sainsbury's 'Crelos ' Margarine is making thousands of friends daily. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian, Branksome Guardian, Poole Guardian, Southern Guardian, Swanage...

"Provincial Newspaper List" showing advertisements placed by Sainsbury's
[c. Mar 1915]Lists newspapers in which advertisements on page 7 of this volume appeared (SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/6/5/13-16)

"Sainsbury's New Grass Butter" newspaper advertisement
9-14 Apr 1915Appeared in the Evening News, Daily Chronicle, Daily Telegraph, Eastern Daily Press (9 Apr 1915); Eastbourne Gazette (14 Apr 1915); Bournemouth Guardian, Oxford Times (10 Apr 1915); Daily Mail (12 Apr...

"Try 'Crelos' Margarine to-day" newspaper advertisement
3-7 Apr 1915Try Crelos Margarine today. Sainsbury's Crelos Margarine is making thousands of friends daily. Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette (7 Apr 1915) and Bournemouth Guardian (3 Apr 1915)

"Sainsbury's New Grass Butter" newspaper advertisement
13-21 Apr 1915Appeared in the Evening News, Daily Chronicle, Oxford Times, Bournemouth Guardian, Eastern Daily Press and Eastbourne Gazette

"Sainsbury's Smoked Hams" newspaper advertisement
20-23 Apr 1915Appeared in the Daily Chronicle (20 Apr 1915) and Evening News (23 Apr 1915). Mentions "Free Delivery within 5 miles".

"Sainsbury's Nut Margarine" newspaper advertisement
27-30 Apr 1915If you order a trial pound and fail to like it, your purchase money will be refunded. Appeared in the Daily Chronicle, Eastern Daily Press and Evening News

"Sainsbury's - The House that is Built on Quality" newspaper advertisement
28 Apr 1915Advertises tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, cheese, butter, bacon and cooked meats. Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

"Sainsbury's - The House that is Built on Quality" newspaper advertisement
23 Apr 1915Advertises tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, cheese, butter, bacon and cooked meats. Appeared in the Eastern Daily Press

"Sainsbury's - The House that is Built on Quality" newspaper advertisement proof
2-23 Apr 1915Advertises tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, preserves, cheese, butter, bacon, cooked meats, meat, poultry and game. With illustration of Sainsbury's head office. Appeared in the Daily Telegraph (23 Apr...

"Sainsbury's Nut Margarine" newspaper advertisement
1 May 1915If you order a trial pound and fail to like it, your purchase money will be refunded. Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian and Oxford Times

"Sainsbury's New Grass Butter" newspaper advertisement
4-7 May 1915Appeared in the Evening News (7 May 1915) and Daily Chronicle (4 May 1915)

"Special offer - for four weeks only! Sainsbury's Smoked Hams" newspaper advertisement
7-8 May 1915Appeared in the East Anglian Times, Eastern Daily Press, Sussex Daily News (all 7 May 1915); Bournemouth Guardian, Oxford Times (both 8 May 1915)

"Sainsbury's Nut Margarine" newspaper advertisement
5 May 1915If you order a pound and fail to like it, your purchase money will be refunded. Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

"Sainsbury's Cheshire Cheese" newspaper advertisement
11-15 May 1915Appeared in the Oxford Times, Bournemouth Guardian (both 15 May 1915); Eastern Daily Press, East Anglian Times, Sussex Daily News, Evening News (all 14 May 1915); Daily Chronicle (11 May 1915)

"Sainsbury's Cheshire Cheese" newspaper advertisement
14 May 1915Appeared in the Daily Telegraph

"Special offer - for four weeks only! Sainsbury's Smoked Hams" newspaper advertisement
12 May 1915Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

"Sainsbury's Indian & Ceylon Tea" newspaper advertisement
18-22 May 1915Advertises Indian and Ceylon tea. Appeared in the Oxford Times, Bournemouth Guardian (both 22 May 1915); East Anglian Times, Eastern Daily Press, Sussex Daily News, Evening News (all 21 May 1915);...

"Sainsbury's Cheshire Cheese" newspaper advertisement
19 May 1915Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

"Economy - the Nation's Duty" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
25-29 May 1915Appeared in the Bournemouth Guardian, Oxford Times, The Star, East Anglian Times, Evening News, Sussex Daily News, Eastern Daily Press and Daily Chronicle

"Sainsbury's Indian & Ceylon Tea" newspaper advertisement
26-27 May 1915Appeared in the Evening Standard, Eastbourne Gazette and Daily Telegraph

"Economy - the Nation's Duty" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
1-5 Jun 1915Appeared in the Daily Chronicle, Oxford Times, The Star, East Anglian Times, Evening News, Sussex Daily News, Eastern Daily Press, Bournemouth Guardian and Eastbourne Gazette

"Sainsbury's Indian & Ceylon Tea" newspaper advertisement
4 Jun 1915Appeared in the Evening Standard and "Daily [left blank]"

"Sainsbury's - The House that Helps you to Economise!" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
8-12 Jun 1915With illustration of Sainsbury's head office. Appeared in the Daily Chronicle, The Star, Evening News, Bournemouth Gazette, Sussex Daily News, Eastern Daily Press, Oxford Times and East Anglian Times

"Economy - the Nation's Duty" Crelos Margarine newspaper advertisement
12 Jun 1915Appeared in the Eastbourne Gazette

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