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'Special Offer to Butter and Crelos Margarine Buyers' advert, c. 1930s
'Special Offer to Butter and Crelos Margarine Buyers' advert, c. 1930s. Special promotion of 'Large Fresh Eggs' on purchases of Butter and Crelos Margarine. Includes price of offer.
Flyer with red and blue print.
Flyer with red and blue print.
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/119
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: c. 1930s
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
'Special Offer to Butter and Crelos Margarine Buyers' advert, c. 1930s. Special promotion of 'Large Fresh Eggs' on purchases of Butter and Crelos Margarine. Includes price of offer.
Flyer with red and blue print.
Flyer with red and blue print.
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