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'Save Money By Shopping At Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1935
'Save Money By Shopping At Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1935. Includes prices for 'Crelos The Wonder Margarine', 'Guinea Fowl', 'Canterbury Lamb', 'Good Quality White Cheese', 'English Grown Granulated Sugar'. Also includes slogan 'Compare Our Prices'. Branches mentioned: Blackheath (13, Blackheath...
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- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/1/9/191
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: c. 1935
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
'Save Money By Shopping At Sainsbury's' advert, c. 1935. Includes prices for 'Crelos The Wonder Margarine', 'Guinea Fowl', 'Canterbury Lamb', 'Good Quality White Cheese', 'English Grown Granulated Sugar'. Also includes slogan 'Compare Our Prices'. Branches mentioned: Blackheath (13, Blackheath Village).
Flyer with red and blue print.
Flyer with red and blue print.
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