Proofs of newspaper advertisements, 1972-74
"Sainsburyprobe 6: Low prices and high quality...Does Sainsbury's give you both?" newspaper advertisement proof
Reporter: Simon Smith. Cameraman: Bruce Fleming. Includes the slogan 'It's good food and good value at Sainsbury's'. Includes straplines: 'We ask shoppers' and 'Here's what they said:' Includes interviews with 6 customers along with their photographs. Also includes prices for 'Sainsburysaves':...
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- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/1/1/1/1/2/13/35
- Date: 21 Sep 1973
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open

Reporter: Simon Smith. Cameraman: Bruce Fleming. Includes the slogan 'It's good food and good value at Sainsbury's'. Includes straplines: 'We ask shoppers' and 'Here's what they said:' Includes interviews with 6 customers along with their photographs. Also includes prices for 'Sainsburysaves': 'Scotch or Home Produced Beef Special', 'Sainsbury's Pork Pies', 'Wall's Stewed Steak', 'Lyon's Quick Brew Tea Bags', 'S & B Pineapple Slices' (annotated)', 'Bird's Custard Powder', 'Wiltshire Strawberry Jam', and 'Sainsbury's Vin du Midi'. Printed on glossy paper. To be included in the national press, w/c 27 Sep 1973.
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