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5 results

"Tea" television commercial


Television commercial promoting Sainsbury's own brand teas. The advertisement features John Sturgeon, Sainsbury's tea blender tasting rows of brews of tea. With slogan "Sainsburys. Where good food...


"Tea" television commercial

"Service" television commercial

4 Oct 1985

40 second television commercial promoting high standards of customer service at Sainsbury's. The advertisement features a manager showing a trainee around the store who disappears when a customer asks...


"Service" television commercial

"Jogger" television commercial


Television commercial (30 seconds) depicting a jogger, and promoting healthy foods available at Sainsbury's - 'There's a health food store in your neighbourhood...". Mentions rice, beans, pulses,...


"Jogger" television commercial

"Prices" television commercial


Television commercial (40 seconds) which depicts two managers from a rival store investigating the prices in a Sainsbury's store, and becoming dismayed that they could not match Sainsbury's prices....


"Prices" television commercial

"Water" television commercial


Television commercial (20 seconds) promoting Sainsbury's Scottish Highland Spring Water, and its low price compared to French spring waters. The advert includes footage of streams with water. The...


"Water" television commercial