Fresh meat point of sale advertising material
Fresh meat advertised includes:
Welsh Lamb ("Look at the Quality, Look at the Choice"), English Lamb ("Barbecue Time at Sainsbury's"); New...
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/2/1/15
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: [1950s-1990s]
- Level: File
- Extent: 130 items
- Access: Open

Presumably advertises pork as includes image of a pig's head

Presumably advertises pork as includes image of a pig's head

Advertises "Gammon & Shoulder joints, 1/11 to 5/4 per lb"

Advertises "Legs, Whole or half, 4/8, Hands 2/10 per lb, Plentiful Supplies"
Includes image of joint of lamb. See SA/DES/17 for related design material

Poster featuring photograph of a cow with the caption "Sainsbury's Jangene Erica of Kinermony Wins top Aberdeen Angus award, Breed Champion at both...

Includes "Better Trimmed for Better Value" slogan. See 'JS Journal' October 1979, p.7, for related article and image.

Includes "Better Trimmed for Better Value" slogan. See 'JS Journal' October 1979, p.7, for related article and image.

Provides details of fat percentage and calories

Provides details of fat percentage and calories

Provides details of fat percentage and calories

Item may be related to article in 'JS Journal' Jul 1984, p.9, reporting on new range of English veal

Includes "Naturally British, From Sainsbury's" logo

Includes "Naturally British, From Sainsbury's" logo

Includes "Better Trimmed for Better Value" slogan

Includes "Better Trimmed for Better Value" slogan

Features an image of a pumpkin with fireworks relating to Halloween and Bonfire Night

Includes "New Zealand Lamb" logo

Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Pork" logo

Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Pork" logo

Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Pork" logo

Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Pork" logo

Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Lamb" logo

Advertises various French cuts of beef and lamb. Includes "Sainsbury's Fresh Meat" logo
Fresh meat advertised includes:
Welsh Lamb ("Look at the Quality, Look at the Choice"), English Lamb ("Barbecue Time at Sainsbury's"); New Zealand Lamb (including Liver and Kidneys), Tenderlean Lamb ("The Recipe for Love"), Tenderlean Highland Lamb (Produce of Scotland), Milk Fed English Lamb, English Lamb's Liver;
calves' kidney, Traditional Mince, Lean Stewing/Braising Steak, Fresh Rump Steak, Sainsbury's "Lean & Tender" Beef Stir Fry (Less than 10% Fat), diced casserole beef; European quality beef; Aberdeen angus; South American beef
1960s/70s poster of a pedigree cow: ""A Sainsbury Champion Sainsbury's Jangene Erica of Kinermony Wins top Aberdeen Angus award Breed Champion at both 1972 Royal and Highland Shows / Sainsbury's are playing their part in improving Britain's Beef";
Sainsbury's Cured Ox tongue;
veal: English Veal, West Country Farm Reared Veal;
venison: British Venison;
Chinese Style Shoulder Steaks, Prime Smoked Collar Joints, English Fillet Tenderloin, English Legs of Pork, Boneless Loin Joint, Naturally Produced Tenderlean, Premium Quality Pork, "Gourmet Cuts", fresh ribs, streaky rashers, hands; English por
Sainsbury's Tendersweet Gammon Steaks, Prime Smoked Boneless Half Gammon, Traditional Country Style Gammon Range, Boiling Joints;
full colour meat barker cards feature the slogan "Better Trimmed for Better Value";
Other signs: Ideal for parties; Ideal for Christmas; Summer Eating; Indian; Ideal for Barbecues; Order now for Christmas; Improved Recipe; Why wait 'til Friday? See leaflet for recipes
2 large thin double-sided plastic posters featuring photographs of various different cuts of meat and the slogans "Pork you can trust for flavour" and "Lamb you can trust for value" [c.1980s - 1990s].
Advertisements frequently refer to special offers (including "All Sainsbury's Farm Assured Fresh Prime Beef...Half Price" offer used during the BSE beef scare, Apr 1996), the fresh meat counter, 'Extra Lean' and roast meat products, and competitions;
some signage features nutrition information and the information "Suitable for Home Freezing", "Fresh", "New Season's", and "British Meat"; 'Winner Meat Counter of the Year' 1995
some examples feature the slogans "Sainsbury's. Everyone's favourite ingredient."; "Where good food costs less", "Take a Christmas Look", "Take a closer look", "Naturally British From Sainsbury's", "Sainsbury's for a meal to be proud of", and "English Pork for Christmas...Plentiful Supplies".
Related content
Consists of six pieces of original artwork for the instore advertising of Sainsbury's meat. Four of them have a colour photograph of a cooked meat joint, (one of each of the following, chicken, beef, pork and lamb), and read 'SAINSBURY'S for a meal to be proud of', one has a colour photograph of a cooked lamb joint and reads 'SAINSBURY'S Lamb for quality and the other shows a cooked pork joint and reads 'SAINSBURY'S Pork for quality'.
Artwork for meat department
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