"'Freefrom" mailshot leaflets
"Sainsbury's freefrom..." mailshot letter and vouchers
Letter sent to customers to promote the Sainsbury's freefrom range. The letter includes the customer's address, money-off coupons for various 'Freefrom' products, and a voucher entitling the customer to free delivery worth £5 on their first online shop with Sainsbury's to You.
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/3/1/5/4/1/2
- Date: Jul 2002
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Letter sent to customers to promote the Sainsbury's freefrom range. The letter includes the customer's address, money-off coupons for various 'Freefrom' products, and a voucher entitling the customer to free delivery worth £5 on their first online shop with Sainsbury's to You.
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