"Sainsbury's Rich Dairy Butter" flyer
[1910]Features the text "Exceptional Value! Sainsbury's Rich Dairy Butter, 1/- Per lb." in red and green lettering. Labelled on back "5thousand" in pencil.

"J. Sainsbury's Quality Margarine" flyer
[1910]Features the text "J. Sainsbury's Quality Margarine, 1/- Per lb., Double Weight, Foremost for Value." in red and green lettering

"Sainsbury's Nuts & Milk Margarine" flyer
[c. 1913]Illustrated advertisement featuring the text "1/- per lb., Doctors Recommend It. The finest thing under the sun! Sainsbury's Nuts & Milk Double Weight Margarine"; features colour illustration of a sun...

"Sainsbury's 'Crelos'" postcard
[1917]Colour advertising postcard for Sainsbury's Crelos margarine featuring the slogan "The Finest Quality ever Produced" and an illustration of a counter assistant. Price has been amended. Labelled on...

"Cheese! to tempt the most Fastidious Palate" flyer
c. 1910sFeatures the text "J. Sainsbury's Display of Fancy Cheese of all kinds will alone make your visit worth while". Lists prices for Prize Dairy Cheddar and Cheshire, Cheddar (Imported), and Fine Quality...

"J. Sainsbury's Butter has a World-wide Reputation" flyer
[c. 1910s]Features the text "There is none so good and the price is always moderate." Lists prices for J.S. Special (Fresh or Slightly Salted), Choicest Table (Fresh or Slightly Salted) and Fine Dairy butters...

""This Way, Madam!"...Banton's Nuts & Milk Margarine" flyer
[c. 1900]Advertisement for Banton's Nuts and Milk Margarine featuring the text ""This Way Madam!", "The Ever-Open Door" to Economy is Banton's Nuts & Milk Margarine, 2 pounds for 1/- and "It's the real thing."...

"£500!!...Double Weight Margarine" flyer
[c. 1910-1935]Illustrated advertisement promoting a special offer available when customers buy Double Weight Margarine. Features the text "£500!! Weekly for Distribution among my Customers. Will You Share It? To...

"A little light on A Great Discovery" leaflet
Feb 1926Provides information about the history of margarine, the product having been "invented" in the year 1869/70 with "The Birth of "Sainsbury's"". Promotes the purity of Sainsbury's Crelos margarine...

"Sainsbury's Crelos: the Wonder Margarine" flyer
[1910s-1930s]Features the text "Obtainable only from J. Sainsbury, The most economical link between producer and consumer" in red and green ink.

"Up from Somerset: farmhouse Cheddar Cheese" leaflet
c. 1935Promotes Sainsbury's farmhouse Cheddar Cheese from Somerset, featuring product information and photographs of a Somerset farm, a Somerset dairy herd and a model dairy where Sainsbury's farmhouse...

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