"A Sainsbury's Guide: Making More of Milk" leaflet
1983Features product information about Sainsbury's range of different types of milk and milk products (including Pasteurised, Homogenised, Vitapint, Low-Fat Vitapint, Longlife (or UHT), Longlife Skimmed...

"A Sainsbury's Guide: Continental Flavour for Your Cheeseboard" leaflet
[1980s]Features product information about Sainsbury's range of Continental Cheeses, hints on storage, an advertisement for 'The Sainsbury Book of Cheese', and recipes for: Bavarian Dip; Frozen Camembert...

"Lymeswold costs less at Sainsbury's" leaflet
1984Promotes Dairy Crest English Lymeswold creamy soft cheese and offer of a free £1 Sainsbury's Shopping Voucher (if the customer buys 3 packs of Lymeswold cheese and sends off the attached application...

"Sainsbury's Vitapint" flyer
[1980s]Flyer advertising Sainsbury's Vitapint: "The New Fresh Milk Exclusive at Sainsbury's", and featuring red and blue text on a white background.

"A Sainsbury's Guide: Getting the Most From Nature's Own Food Drink" leaflet
1980sFeatures product information about Sainsbury's range of milk products (including Pasteurised , Homogenised, Half Fat, Virtually Fat Free, New Improved Vitapint and UHT Milk) and nutritional...

"A Sainsbury's Guide: Improving on Nature's Own Food Drink" leaflet
1980sFeatures product information about Sainsbury's range of milk products (including fat free, Vitapint, homogenised, half fat, UHT, fresh milk) and nutritional information.

"The Perfect Partnership. Sainsbury's Cheeses and Fine Wines." leaflet
1986Promotes Sainsbury's British and Continental cheeses and fine wines; features product information, colour photographs and money off coupons for any piece of Sainsbury's cheese and any bottle of...

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