Fish recipe cards
Includes twelve 100mm x 210 mm recipe cards numbered 1-12 with colour photography. Also includes one card with general "Cooking Instructions" for fish, and one "Sauces for Fish" recipe card which may be from a different set of cards.
Some cards...
- Ref. No: SA/MARK/ADV/3/4/1/5
- Format: Printed Material
- Date: [c. 1987-1993]
- Level: File
- Extent: 14 items
- Access: Open
Includes recipes for: Special Tartare Sauce; White Wine and Herb Sauce; Mustard Sauce; Veracruz Sauce; Prawn and Mushroom Sauce
Includes twelve 100mm x 210 mm recipe cards numbered 1-12 with colour photography. Also includes one card with general "Cooking Instructions" for fish, and one "Sauces for Fish" recipe card which may be from a different set of cards.
Some cards include the text "From the Sainsbury Cookbook: Fish Recipe Book by Marika Hanbury Tenison". See SA/MARK/ADV/3/4/1/4 for earlier fish recipe cards based on the same book.
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"Sainsbury's Recipe Card" series focusing on fish. Includes twelve 105mm x 150mm white cards with blue pen-and-ink illustrations, numbered 1-12. Cards 7-12 include the note "Just one of the many recipes from the Fish Recipe Book by Marika Hanbury Tenison" (Sainsbury's cookbook, see SA/PUB/1/2/30/2). See SA/MARK/ADV/3/4/1/4 for later fish recipe cards based on the same book.
Fish recipe cards
SA / MARK / ADV / 3 / 4 / 1 / 4
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