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6 results

"Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet" leaflets


Leaflets produced in conjunction with the British Diabetic Association, including lists of nutritional 'food values' (grammes of carbohydrate, protein and fat). Leaflets also include list of...


"Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet" leaflets

Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet unbound pages


Unbound pages from an edition of the publication 'Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet'.


Sainsbury's help you add variety to your diet unbound pages

"Buy it fresh.. keep it fresh" leaflet


Sainsbury's Freezer Foods leaflet offering information on home freezers and frozen foods. Includes technical information about freezers, a guide to how long frozen food can be kept and defrosting...


"Buy it fresh.. keep it fresh" leaflet

"Sainsbury's healthy eating" leaflet


Guide to healthy eating, including information on dairy products, bread and cereal. Also includes serving suggestions and a suggested diet plan for the day. With photographs of Sainsbury's own label...


"Sainsbury's healthy eating" leaflet

'"A healthy look at Sainsbury's labels" leaflet


Leaflets entitled 'A healthy look at the Sainsbury's label: How to read, understand, and use the nutritional information on our packs'. The leaflet provides information about nutritional labelling, a...


'"A healthy look at Sainsbury's labels" leaflet

"A Sainsbury's Guide, Eggs, The Facts" safety leaflet

15 Dec 1988

Hand-out giving the text of a statement issued by the government relating to egg safety following a salmonella food poisoning scare. Reverse is blank


"A Sainsbury's Guide, Eggs, The Facts" safety leaflet