Product packaging design for frozen foods
- Ref. No: SA/PKC/PRO/1/10/1
- Date: [1960s-1995]
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 20 files, 44 items
- Access: Open

Design brief, Design Studio job form, mock-up, transparency of image used on packaging, copy of artwork and out-turn samples[?]. Designers: JH [John...

Design brief, Design Studio job form, mock-up, transparency of image used on packaging and copy of artwork. Designer: M[elanie] Bush. Typeface:...

Design Studio job form, mock-up, transparency of image used on packaging, copies of artwork and out-turn samples[?]. Designer: Melanie Bush. Typeface:...

Design brief, Design Studio job form, mock-up, copy of artwork and proof. Designer: M[elanie] Bush. Typeface: Garamond Bold Cond. Italic (Alphabet)....

Design brief, Design Studio job form, mock-up, transparencies of images used on packaging, copy of artwork and proofs[?]. Designers: G.R. Ladyman, MB...

Design brief, Design Studio job form, design concept, layout tracing, mock-up, transparency of image used on packaging, copies of artwork and out-turn...

Design brief, nutritional information brief, Design Studio job form, mock-up, transparencies of images used on packaging (in envelope labelled...

Design brief, Design Studio job form, job bag cover, mock-up, copy of artwork and proofs[?]. Designer: Sarah[?]. Also includes proof of Sainsbury's...

Design brief, job bag cover, drawing titled "Peter Dumenil Ltd., T.I.E. Carton for Beefburgers", mock-up, copies of artwork and out-turn samples[?].

Design Studio job bag cover, black and white artwork and out-turn sample[?]. Designer: John Hill.

May be a mock-up for point of sale advertising or some other purpose.

Mock-up drawing and black and white artwork. Typeface on Sainsbury's Home Freezer Pack Cod Fillets: Haas.

Black and white artwork, mock-ups and out-turn sample[?].

Mock-up, mock-up drawing and photocopy of artwork. Includes Sainsbury's Freezer Foods logo.

Mock-up, black and white artwork and out-turn samples[?].

Mock-up of labels for tub lids for Sainsbury's Ice Cream Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry.

Black and white artwork, mock-ups and out-turn sample[?].

Mock-up, two black and white artworks, photocopy of artwork and one printed packet (possibly an out-turn/proof). Two of the items feature the...

Rough design of packaging on tracing paper.

Mock-up and printed packaging (possibly an out-turn/proof).

Concept design and mock-up.

Printout of artwork with handwritten amendments. Includes "Healthy Balance" logo.

Printout of artwork with handwritten amendments. Includes "Healthy Balance" logo.
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