Product packaging design material for cooked and prepared meats and savoury pies
- Ref. No: SA/PKC/PRO/1/5/1
- Date: [1960s-1980s]
- Level: SubSeries
- Extent: 15 files, 124 items
- Access: Open
Older labels, mock-up, out-turn samples[?], design brief and note to Design Studio.
Mock-up and black and white artwork.
Black and white artwork and design concept. Also includes labels for Sainsbury's Pork Sausages and Sainsbury's Pork & Beef Sausages.
Mock-up, black and white artwork and out-turn samples[?].
Design briefs, Design Studio job bag covers and forms, design concept, mock-ups, illustration, black and white artwork, copies of artwork and out-turn...
Includes mock ups of packaging for Sainsbury's Smoked Picnic Shoulder. Also includes JS Sainsbury's Tendersweet logo.
Mock-up and out-turn sample[?] for Sainsbury's Party Franks, "Midget Frankfurter Sausages ideal for parties or picnics".
Black and white artwork and out-turn sample[?].
Mock-up, black and white artwork and design concept. Typeface: Helvetica.
Black and white artwork and out-turn sample[?] of labels including JS Sainsbury's Tendersweet logo. Tendersweet was a range of bacon and other pork...
Amended design brief, design concept, mock-up and copy of artwork.
Design briefs, mock-ups, copies of artwork and out-turn samples[?].
Design Studio job bag cover and form, design concepts (also for Sainsbury's Traditional Cornish Pasty), mock-ups and copy of artwork for Sainsbury's 4...
Design Studio job bag cover, design brief, design concept, mock-ups, black and white artwork and out-turn sample[?].
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