Sainsbury's Slightly Salted Somerset Butter packaging

Sainsbury's Channel Islands Butter packaging

Sainsbury's Organic Slightly Salted Butter packaging
[1990s]Includes logo and note indicating product was "Produced to Soil Association Standards Organic Certification UK 5"

Sainsbury's Garlic Butter packaging

Sainsbury's Spreadable Butter packaging

Butter crate
[1900s-1960s]Four-sided wooden crate with an open top. Each side of the crate is wider at the top than at the base giving a trapezium shape. The crate has been constructed using planks of sycamore of various...

Flora Danica butter/margarine crate
[1900s-1960s]Rectangular wooden crate with an open top. The crate has been constructed using planks of wood and the planks are held together with iron nails. There are four iron nail heads protruding from the...

Wooden crate (probably for a dairy product)
[20th century]Rectangular wooden crate with an open top. The crate has been constructed using planks of wood and the planks are held together with iron nails. The lid of the crate is missing. There are stamped...
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