Ranges (multiple product types) group shot images
Image of Sainsbury's Mexican Choice range
Image showing: Sainsbury's Mexican Choice 12 Taco Shells; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Nachips; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Refried Beans; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Taco Relish. The picture was included in 'JS Journal' January-February 1993. 'JS Journal' states "A new range of Mexican foods has...
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- Ref. No: SA/PKC/PRO/3/2/3
- Date: [1993]
- Level: Item
- Extent: 1 item
- Access: Open
Image showing: Sainsbury's Mexican Choice 12 Taco Shells; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Nachips; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Refried Beans; Sainsbury's Mexican Choice Taco Relish. The picture was included in 'JS Journal' January-February 1993. 'JS Journal' states "A new range of Mexican foods has arrived on the shelves of 163 JS stores. The range consists of Taco Shells, Taco Relish, Nachips and Refried Beans - perfect ingredients for a traditional Mexican meal. The Taco Shells can be gently warmed and filled with chilli con carne, or another filling of your choice, and topped with the Relish. Nachips are delicious topped with refried beans and cheese then grilled. The prices are: Refried Beans, 45p; Nachips, £1.19; Taco Shells and Taco Relish £1.09".
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